fidelity bonus câu
"Fidelity is good, but so is infidelity!""Lòng trung thành là tốt, nhưng cũng không hơn gì bất trung." "Fidelity is good, but so is in...

Even an added bonus -- I got the M.E. report.Còn có thêm một thứ nữa, Tôi còn có bản báo cáo y khoa. We'd never get that bonus, would ...

color fidelity
In retrospect, color fidelity is kept relatively stable throughout the ISO range.Bù lại, độ trung thực màu đượcgiữ khá ổn định trong cả...

conjugal fidelity
This ideal of conjugal fidelity has never been easy (adultery is a word that resounds ominously even in the Bible!).Lý tưởng về sự trun...

fidelity bond
Fidelity bonds guarantee honesty.Individual fidelity bond Giấy bảo đảm sự trung thực cá nhân. Probate court failed to require a fidelit...

fidelity guarantee
In the United Kingdom, this type of employee dishonesty insurance is called fidelity guarantee insurance coverage.Tại Vương quốc Anh, l...

fidelity insurance
My name's Lila, and I just started working over here at Bethel fidelity insurance office.Tên tôi là Lila, và tôi vừa mới bắt đầu làm tạ...

high fidelity
Chicago, tune into the High Fidelity premiere, early and for freeChicago, tham gia buổi ra mắt High Fidelity, sớm và miễn phí Chicago, ...

High-fidelity wideband audio qualityChất lượng âm thanh trung thực High fidelity wideband audio Up to 1536kHz audio sampling frequency...

overall fidelity
A little more than two years later, Dark Alliance II hasn't done much to improve the overall fidelity of the graphics, which leaves it ...

sexual fidelity
"If Mom is living with a boyfriend, they may have less trust, less emotional security in their relationship, less sexual fidelity," sai...

ultimate fidelity
Faith is ultimate fidelity, like that of Mary.Đức tin là sự trung thành tối đa, như đức tin của Mẹ Maria. Faith is ultimate fidelity, ...

bonus account
4.15 Multidirectional trade is prohibited in the bonus account.4.15 Kinh doanh đa cấp bị cấm trong tài khoản tiền thưởng. The bonus ac...

bonus fund
Since this season, the top 10 best golfers of the season will share a $ 10 million bonus fund.Kể từ mùa này, top 10 golfer hay nhất mùa...

bonus index
Learn to play craps online with a free craps practice table at Casino Bonuses Index are exactly that… Free.Tìm hiểu để chơi craps trực t...

bonus issue
Even before the bonus issue erupted, public support for the bailout was hesitant and conflicted.Ngay cả trước khi vấn đề tiền thưởng nổ...

bonus method
There’s a bonus method for parchment shades: You can wipe dirt away from them using a dry piece of white bread!Có một phương pháp bổ su...

bonus payable
You can say: “It is my understanding that I will be eligible for X days of vacation, Y amount of bonus payable on Z, the company covers...

bonus payment
Now, what was that bonus payment?Vậy còn tiền trả thêm thì sao? You will receive the bonus payment as long as your partners remain act...

bonus payments
Front-End Bonus Payments May Need To Be Disclosed »Mục lục Thuê bao trả trước có thể sẽ phải khai báo » Front-End Bonus Payments May N...

bonus share
The Chinese automaker announced the bonus share issue in August 2015.Nhà sản xuất ô tô của Trung Quốc đã thông báo về vấn đề cổ phiếu t...

bonus shares
You will be credited the bonus shares.Bạn sẽ nhận được các khoản thưởng định kỳ. The Company had also issued bonus shares in 2006 at 1...

bonus stock
Once your account is approved by Robinhood, the free bonus stock share will become available to you within 1 week and appear in your Po...

bonus system
You need to pay attention to the bonus system.Bạn nên đọc rõ các quy định về việc nhân Bonus. The casino bonus system is quite easy to...

cash bonus
Would you like to become a cash bonus cow?Bạn có muốn trở thành một girl xinh má lúm đồng tiền? (Translation: The $50,000 isn’t a cash...